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The PERCH MAN ABN 42 065 149 145


For detailed information about jade perch go to the members area click for more

Jade Perch, (Scortum barcoo) come from an area of Australia known as the Lake Eyre Basin. Here, the water does not drain into rivers that end up in the ocean. All the rain that falls in this region drains inland, eventually reaching Lake Eyre, provided there is enough rain to make it that far. This is a huge area. Some of the catchment reaches up into tropical parts. Occasionally the remnants of a cyclone, in the form of a tropical depression, reach down to the top end of the catchment. This sort of event can result in large amount of rain flooding vast inland areas of country. For the fish in the waterholes of the Lake Eyre Basin such events create a massive explosion in the food chain. Mass spawning occurs and the cycle of fish life starts again.

Jade perch, (Scortum barcoo) only occur naturally in this area of Australia. The best candidate for aquaculture may quite possibly, only be the one from the Barcoo River. No other place in the world. Do they occur naturally in any other country - NO !


Lake Eyre and Murray-Darling Fitzroy-Dawson basins Sat view Australia Sat view Lake Eyre Barcoo River
River basins of Australia with the Lake Eyre Basin in Red.

SEE jadeperchman on YouTube

Click this link for a 10 minute YouTube video of the trip to the Barcoo River. This is part 1 of the Jade Perch Story

Click for part 2 of the jade perch story

Click this link for a short YouTube video of the country on the way to the Barcoo River.

Click for a short YouTube video fly down the Barcoo River

Click for a short YouTube video of jade perch being collected from the Barcoo River

Transporting live fish video


trackwithcows  Lots of dust on the long trip  Aridcountry

LakeEyresign  Barcooriversign  Barcooriver

Broadwaterhole  endwaterhole  Netting1

For detailed information about jade perch go to the members area click for more