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Technical Information "Client area" (Last updated 17th October 2024)


All my contact details are here

Clients can log in here for technical information on jade perch, silver perch, honey perch, golden perch, sleepy cod, Australian bass, and Murray cod.

The information included here covers many aspects of these species, including habitat information which can be used to fill in some of the knowledge gaps. Information about jade perch goes back to the original "pioneer" growers who started growing jade perch in the 90s in Queensland Australia, the home of the species. This hand full of growers had to learn things the hard way. Their knowledge was built from a base knowledge on silver perch. There had been plenty of quality government research done with silver perch, but almost nothing had been, or ever was done, on jade perch. They learned everything the hard way. Information like, how low the water temperature could go before they stopped growing, and at what temperature would they actually start to die, how many fish to stock, how much to feed them, what is the best food, etc. This knowledge came at a price, by killing fish. This sort of information, as well as over 30 of years personal knowledge, and experience, can be found here The information is constantly being up-dated.

My knowledge is based on over 36 years of aquaculture farming and hatchery production of Australian native fish. I was one of 4 people in the first expidition to central Australia to collected wild jade perch. I was the second person to ever spawn jade perch. I have been breeding consistently, longer that any other person in the industry.

To access this area of the jadeperch web site click on "membership" on the top menu bar. Once you have signed up you will notice that the "membership" button on the menue bar now has a "Technical Information" drop down list. Just click on Technical Information, and you are in.

 log in to members area on Jadeperch menu bar  log in to members area on Jadeperch menu bar close

Click on this link for a sample of the videos to be found inside the client area.

Jade Perch Video


Looks like you are interested in becoming a fish farmer.

Many people have entered aquaculture without realising they are starting a business. It’s not just a “side line”, it’s a business on its own. You need to consider; do you have the time to manage a new business?

Do you have the necessary skills to grow fish?

Do you have the time and commitment to learn a new skill?

 click for more


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Copyright and trademarks and, are either the owner or licensed user of the copyright in the material on these sites. You may not reproduce, adapt, upload, link, frame, broadcast, distribute or in any way transmit the material on this site without our written consent, other than to the extent necessary to view the material or as permitted by law.


By viewing this website, or any links from this website, including the YouTube links, or viewing any videos contained on jadeperchman YouTube channel, or engaging or paying for consulting services, you agree to accept these terms and conditions.The information provided by  Bruce Sambell, (The Perch Man.) or any of his associates colleagues or employees, or pages and sub-directories of this website, including videos, are provided as a general service. The information and advice provided is made available in good faith and is derived from sources believed to be reliable and accurate at the time. However, the information is provided solely on the basis that persons will be responsible for making their own assessment on any matters contained or discussed herein and are advised to verify all relevant representations, statements, information and advice. Changes in circumstances after material is placed on this website or any links, or videos, may impact on the accuracy of the information. No assurance is given as to the accuracy of any representation, statement, information or advice. Neither Bruce Sambell, nor any of his associates, colleagues or employees accept any responsibility for any losses whatsoever or agents, nor any employee shall be responsible or liable for any loss, damage or injury (including death) howsoever caused (whether caused by any negligent or other unlawful act or omission of, or by associates colleagues or employees of Bruce Sambell. No responsibility is accepted, for any losses whatsoever, arising from the use of or reliance on any information, data or advice (including incomplete, out-of-date, wrong, inaccurate or misleading information, data or advice): expressed or implied information provided within this website, verbally, or in any links to videos or other websites, or expressed or implied in, or coming from, any person whosoever associated with Bruce Sambell, or Bruce Sambell himself. Any information provided here should be considered as one of many information resources available. All persons including corporate entities should consider all available information.You are solely responsible to confirm any information provided by Bruce Sambell, his associates colleagues or employees, and to consider all other sources of information available. COPYRIGHT. All material contained in this website is subject to copyright.


By engaging or paying for consulting services, you accept these terms and conditions.Any fish handled or dealt with in any way, by Bruce Sambell, (The Perch Man) or any of his associates, colleagues or employees are entirely at the client's risk. Bruce Sambell, or any of his associates, colleagues or employees shall not be responsible or liable for any fish losses whatsoever or agents, nor any employee shall be responsible or liable for any loss, damage or injury to any fish. All persons including corporate entities should consider all available information.You are solely responsible to confirm any information provided by Bruce Sambell, (The Perch Man) his associates colleagues or employees, and to consider all other sources of information available. Any information provided should be considered as one of many information resources available.


Please note:  Trading terms and conditions apply.
Minimum quantities and minimum order values apply.
All prices are ex farm (Farm gate). Any and all additional costs such as, but not limited to, freight, agents fees, packing expenses, health inspection and certification fees etc., are in addition to the fingerling prices. International sales are GST free.

All international and interstate customers are responsible for their own permits and documentation. The Perch Man will provide any documents requested by the customer. If documents are required by the receiving country or state the customer must advise, in writing, to The Perch Man a request for these documents at least two weeks prior to shipping. All documents, including import permits or import licences, provided to The Perch Man, must be in English. If the customer is required by their country to have an import permit or import licence, a copy must be provided to The perch Man before the order is confirmed. Where a translation is required, such translation must be provided to The Perch Man in PDF format, and translated by an appropriate authority. An order will be considered, "confirmed" once The Perch Man has received any documents required by the receiving country or state, and a 10% deposit has been received. See below for deposit/payment conditions. 
Prior to booking international freight for each shipment, full payment must be received by The Perch Man. Payment by direct deposit only. Funds must be cleared at least 7 business days before shipment. The Perch Man does not guarantee live arrival, unless we deliver ourselves, by bulk road tanker. The owners and staff of The Perch Man are not liable for any financial losses, in any form, or any losses as a result of fish mortalities during transit, no matter what the cause. Insurance of fish in transit is the sole responsibility of the customer. Packing densities are designed to give you the best value for your freight dollar. This will often mean a build up of ammonia and especially CO2. CO2 is the biggest killer of fish during the unpacking process! If you are having trouble with losses when you unpack please contact us for advice. If a fish is alive, in the bag, when it arrives it should stay alive when unpacked, and handled correctly. The owners and staff of The Perch Man will not be held responsible in any way whatsoever, should The Perch Man fail to supply your order of fingerlings/fry, in part, or in total. All bulk orders are counted by weight. The quantity of fish packed in each bag is an average quantity based on the average weight of sample count done under the Aquaculture Association of Queensland accepted industry standard at the time of shipment. (See Commercial Hatchery Code of Best Practice) No claim will be considered. Bulk orders will be confirmed once a deposit has been received. This deposit is not refundable should the order be reduced in quantity, or canceled by the customer. Should the customer be unable to take delivery of their order, in part or in full, any postponed portion of the order shall be subject to prices current for the season delivery is made. Any agreed price is forfeited. In the event The Perch Man is unable to supply the total number of fish during the current spawning season, any payments made by the customer will be carried over to the next spawning season when the balance of the order will be shipped. It is at the sole discretion of The Perch Man to hold the agreed price, or apply the new season price for fish delivered in the next season. The deposit will be credited against the final shipment of the total order. Should the customer be unable to take delivery of any part of the order, this includes lack of correct documentation, the deposit is not refundable. The deposit will be held as a credit in the customer's account for a maximum of two years. If the customer does not accept delivery of the order within two years, the deposit is forfeited. All shipments must be paid in full at least seven days before the anticipated shipping date. In the event the shipment is canceled by the customer, for any reason, any payments are not refundable. Any costs associated with the cancellation will be deducted from the payment and the balance will be held as a credit in the customers account.All transactions are in Australian dollars. No compensation is considered as a result of any changes in currency value, regardless of circumstances.The consignment of the goods to the customer constitutes acceptance by The Perch Man's, of the customers offer to purchase from The Perch Man, and the customers agreement to these terms and conditions. This acceptance constitutes a contract with The PerchMan. All such contracts are formed in Childers Queensland Australia. The offerer waives his/her/its rights to be notified of acceptance of the contract.

By placing an order you agree to accept these conditions
